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I. Phrase Translation
1、 CCPCC: 中国共产党中央委员会(the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee)
2、 RAM: 随机存取存储器(random-access memory);(随机访问)内存
3、 ADB:亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)
4、 UNDP:联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Program)
5、 CCPIT:中国国际贸易促进委员会(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)
6、 FAQ:常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions)
7、 WHO:世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)
8、 CCPI:中国大宗商品价格指数(China Commodity Price Index); 联合国新闻发布咨询委员会(Consultative Committee for Public Information)
9、 ISO/TC: Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织技术委员会
10、 UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational、 Scientific and Cultural Organization)
11、 ADPC: 自动数据处理中心(automatic data processing center)
12、 DEPM: 苯基丙二酸二乙酯(Diethyl phenylmalonate)
13、 GSV: 导 航太空航行器(guided space vehicle); 大隐静脉(Great Saphenous Vein)
14、 SALT: 限制战略武器会谈(Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
15、 SNAP: 核辅助动力系统(systems for nuclear auxiliary power)
16、 泰晤士报: The Times
17、基督教科学箴言报: The Christian Science Monitor
18、每日邮报: Daily Mail
19、每日镜报: Daily Mirror
20、华尔街日报: The Wall Street Journal
21、国际先驱论坛报: International Herald Tribune
22、同类金属: similar metals
23、异体组织: homologous tissue
24、抽水泵: Sump-Pump
25、叠影: foldover; ghost image
26、工字梁: I beam ; flanged beam
27、环形圈: Annular Rings; O-ring
28、丁字尺: T-square; tee-square
29、八面体: octahedron; octahedrite
30、人字屋顶: ridge roof; gable roof
II. Passage translation
Section A English to Chinese
For world business, and even for small investors or depositors in banks, all kinds of uncertainties seemed to feed on each other over the past year. What’s happening with oil? What about debts, currencies or the stability of countries?
The year 1983 began–and ended– with an unusual oil crisis: fears that the price of crude would go not up but down. OPEC looked as if it might split apart, and as the crisis deepened, it showed how oil had seeped into every corner of the world economy. Currencies moved up and down with each day’s oil news, and bankers became aware of how much their loans to oil countries depended on keeping up the price. When OPEC patched up its quarrels and agreed to limit production, nobody was quite sure what was keeping up the price. What was clear was that many countries and institutions, from Britain to Mexico, from Citibank to Exxon, had virtually become unofficial members of OPEC, trying hard to keep the price steady.
But as the oil drama played on, it began to be eclipsed by the wider problem of country debt. The near collapse of Mexico in mid-1982 had been precipitated by the falling oil price, but the crisis of credit that followed affected all Latin American countries as high interest rates and the high dollar made their repayments still more expensive. The debt crisis spread beyond Latin America into Asia and Africa. The balance of fear between countries and banks, locked in a situation in which each side could ruin the other, was beginning to seem like the commercial equivalent of the nuclear balance of terror. It also gave a new dimension to the old North-South divide: would the South find that their debts would force the North to take real notice of their problems?
